Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Christmas 2006

Christmas at our house pretty much got postponed for this year. We were all sick (even Uncle Tommy) with a bad stomach bug. We spent most of the time at home playing with the new blocks and Thomas the Trains that I got - Mom and Dad were on the couch. I loved playing Santa giving everyone their presents and helping them open them. Spending time with everyone and playing (after the bug) was the best part.

December 2006

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Christmas 2006

This is my Christmas picture for 2006. Say "Cheese"! I'm starting to look like such a little boy.

November 2006

Halloween 2006

Grrrrrrrrrr! Hi, I'm Tigger. Halloween was lots of fun. We visited Grandma at Sunrise and all the residents got a kick out of our costumes. That night, we went trick r treating with the neighbors. I didn't understand what everything was all about at first. It was just fun walking around. But once I learned that we could get candy if we went to the door, I caught on real fast. Yummm...I love chocolate.

October 31, 2006

Friday, February 02, 2007

Stevens State Park

We wanted to go for a walk on day in October '06 to see all the great leaves. Stevens State Park was the answer. It has a great stream, lots of geese, a nice trail and even a great playground at the end of the trail. I had a really good time after I gave the backpack a try. "What's this?" was my famous question.

October 22, 2006