Saturday, November 24, 2007

Putting up our Christmas tree

What fun putting the ornaments on our Christmas tree this year. I can't wait for Santa Clause. Nana & Poppy were here to help me start the holiday season. I like looking at all the different decorations and "wow" is my favorite word right now. Its so pretty and "cool".
November 24, 2007

First snowfall of the season - in Nov?!

It snowed in November!!!! Everyone else got rain but we got some 5" of snow. Mommy couldn't shovel the driveway because of the new baby but thankfully Babcie was around to help out. I like making snowballs and dragging around my sled. It wasn't too cold out but my cheeks were really rosey by the time we were done.

November 2007

Carving pumpkins with Daddy

First time carving pumpkins... I helped a lot but I didn't like the seeds inside. I thought it was gooky. Daddy did that part. Yuk.

October 21, 2007

Celebrating Babcie's birthday

Here we are celebrating Babcie's birthday at my house. After cake, we painted some pumpkins and made a huge mess. We had fun!
October 10, 2007

Sun High Orchards 2007

Nana & Poppy took me to see the sheep, ducks, goats and bunnies at Sun High this year. I even got to pick a really big pumpkin. I was able to feed the animals and run through the apple orchard to see what good apples I could find.

September 2007

Sesame Place

I went to Sesame Place with my friends Aria & Ava. We all had such a great time. Daddy had a hard day because Mommy couldn't help out too much. I had so much fun eating my first HUGE lollipop and going down my first water slide. I saw my first parade sitting on Daddy's shoulders. I slept really good that night and can't wait to go back next year.
August 14, 2007

Island Beach State Park

We had such a picture perfect day with Nana & Poppy at IBSP. Great temperature and an awesome blue sky. We made sand castles, played in the water and rolled down the sand dunes. I wore Poppy out. We both took a great nap when we got home.

July 2007

Water fun with Daddy

It was a hot day in June so Daddy & I decided to cool off with my new water ball toy. We got really really wet.

June 3, 2007

Nice Family Picture

April 2007

We're so cute

Here is my Easter picture with my cousins Joelle & Jonathan.
April 2007