Friday, December 14, 2007

More pics of Sammy Jo

CJ has been wonderful to his new little sister. He tells us he loves his new baby. :) So far so good as far as our nights go. Sammy still has her days and nights mixed up but what could you say for a five day old. We love her and she is the perfect addition to our family.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meet the Littlest Balogh - Samantha Jean

Samantha Jean Balogh finally decided to grace us with her presence on her exact due date, December 9th, which felt late to us since we expected her at least a week early! Mondo credit to Suzz who, although not 100% by her own choice, did it all without an epidural! Sammy was born at 2:48 in afternoon, weighs 8 pounds 7 ounces, and measures 19.5" tall. Mom and baby are both doing incredibly well. CJ has been both excited and reserved about meeting his new baby sister and the prospect of her coming home with us. But it's nothing a few bribe gifts from Mommy couldn't fix!
December 9, 2007